Curriculum Vitae:
Gianluca Bonomo
- Turin University, Italy, teaching science, degree in Multimedia, art, and music discipline.
- Data management for telephone company in Torino, Alessandria, Asti - january 1992 - february 1993.
- ICT managing for Carabinieri service in Genoa from april 1993 to december 1993. Cad designer in Turin from january 1994 to september 1995.
- Office Automation teaching in Ciriè (Turin – ITALY) from october 1995 to july 1996.
- 3D graphics teaching in Information and Technology center “Ghiglieno” in IVREA (Turin – Italy) from 1996 to 1999.
- Office Automation teaching to “A.Sada” school in Rivarolo (Turin – Italy) from october 1997 to february 1998.
- “Web interface project” teaching at CSEA “G.Guazza” center in Turin in june-july 1999.
- Autocad 2000 teaching to C.I.A.C. school in Ciriè (Turin – Italy) from november 2000 to june 2001.
- European Computer Driving License teaching to “Casa di carità - Arti e Mestieri” center of Castelrosso-Chivasso (Turin - Italy) from year 2004 till now.
- Introduction to computer, Office automation, Internet and web managing teaching to “Salotto e Fiorito” school in Rivoli (Turin – Italy) from 1999 till now.